Résultats pour votre recherche: charte
Virtual influencer as a brand avatar in interactive marketing
Understanding the Role of Professional Organisations in Supporting the Development of the Creative Industries at the Local and Global Levels: Paris as the Global Node for the Fashion Industry (1973–2011)
The Transmediterranean Routes of Fashion: Between Material Expression and Artistic Representation
The globalisation of the fashion industry: opportunities for European companies
The fashion industry and the new territories of globalisation
The Design of Pictorial Ontologies: From Unstitched Imaginaries to Stitched Images
Patrimoine et innovation : Charles Frederick Worth, John Redfern ou la naissance de la mode moderne
Is fashion a western concept? an intersecting panorama through the prism of postcolonial and decolonial theory
Entangled Styles: Mediterranean Migration and Dress in Pre-Modern Algiers
Entretien / André Beirnaert, La customisation comme relève industrielle