Benjamin Simmenauer
Professor, Director of Research
Research areas
- Analytic philosophy
- Semantics of clothing
- Fashion theory
- Aesthetics
I work on the development of a theory of meaning for clothing, using the tools of formal semantics and pragmatics to describe what we communicate through the way we dress. I am also interested in the aesthetic properties of clothing items, and in the social dynamics underpinning fashion’s so-called ‘cycles’.
- PhD candidate at Université de Lorraine on "the meaning of fashion", under Prof. Roger Pouivet's supervision.
- Agrégation de Philosophie, 2002
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lettres et Sciences Humaines, 1999
Other publicaitons
- Simmenauer B., Manière de faire des modes, Communications, Le Seuil, à paraître 2022.
- Simmenauer B., Le sens de la mode : prolégomènes, in 19 regards sur la mode, IFM Regard, à paraître, 2022
- Émilie Hammen, Benjamin Simmenauer, Les grands textes de la mode, collection Essentiels en poche, Paris, Editions du Regard-Institut Français de la Mode, 2017, 290 p.