Academic research
The authentic virtual influencer: Authenticity manifestations in the metaverse
Product lifecycle traceability towards sustainable and circular value chains: state-of-the-art and novel analysis framework for the fashion industry
Unpacking nontarget majority consumers’ responses to modest fashion: How market controversy perpetuates marketplace exclusion
Circularity, Garment Durability, and Just Transition: Understanding the Trinary Interrelationship through an Integrative Literature Review
Apprehending traceability implementation in support of sustainable value chains: A novel analysis framework for the fashion industry
An Exploratory Investigation of Garments’ Production Countries of Origin (COOs) Disclosure to Consumers
Matières et métiers pour une nuit miraculeuse. De quelques fournisseurs pour briller en soirée
1997 Fashion Big Bang, catalogue de l'exposition - Palais Galliera
Linguistic inferences from pro-speech music: Musical gestures generate scalar implicatures, presuppositions, supplements, and homogeneity inferences
Virtual influencer as a brand avatar in interactive marketing
Different dimensions of durability in the luxury fashion industry: An analysis framework to conduct a literature review
Une révolution dans la mode : le prêt-à-porter des couturiers parisiens (1965-2000)