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Interview / Yann Moulier Boutang The issues at stake for intellectual property.

Academic research

Interview / Yann Moulier Boutang The issues at stake for intellectual property

Yann Moulier Boutang —

Yann Moulier Boutang is an economist and the Editor of the magazine Multitudes. He is a lecturer in economics at the Université de Compiègne and Director of the COSTECH (Connaissance, Organisation, Systèmes techniques) at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne. He is currently carrying out research into many issues including the worker’s movement, slavery and the salaried masses, international migration, the current transformation of capitalism in a context of globalisation and a newly enlarged Europe, new production models in industry and territories based on new technology (free software, open source) and its impact on intellectual property rights.

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