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How Wine Goes with Cheese in France.

Academic research

How Wine Goes with Cheese in France

Gilles Fumey —

Things have spread to more or less cover the entire globe: the French, along with the Chinese, the Italians and a few others, are passionate about food. Food in general and in particular about a truly curious couple: wine and cheese, together. But as all countries have their passions that cannot be explained by reason, this singularity has often been classified by invoking the magic of the places, the diversity of reliefs and climates, the talent of the people in making food that so resembles them. In fact, these passions stem from national pride, in the countryside, its lands- capes, societies and folklore; a sense of pride that ends up on the table. On the table, the scene that plays out is surprising, that of the cheese plate that slipped into menus in the 19th century.

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