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Carmen Kervella.

Faculty members

Carmen Kervella

Marketing, Luxury Communications

Founder of aHeadLand, Expert in brand strategies, Author of the book Le Luxe et les nouvelles technologies. Lecturer.

After a 10-year career in major international advertising agencies (J.W.T Brussels, Prisme/Bozell Canada, D'Arcy Paris), Carmen joined the consulting firm Republic of Ideas in 2003 as associate director.

She accompanies the reflection of major luxury brands on various issues: brand fundamentals, innovation and diversification projects, deciphering targets and trends...
Imbued with the new paradigms generated by technology, she founded aHeadLand in 2009 and is dedicated to foresight and innovation. Her expertise in luxury, value issues, and new technologies allows her to provide valuable insights to major luxury houses and start-ups alike.